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【“花椒面”原创】申请 CAIPS 的详细步骤(1)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛【“花椒面”原创】申请 CAIPS 的详细步骤(1)


◆◆◆ caips 是什么 ◆◆◆

CAIPS is short for 'Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System'. It is the computer system used by Citizenship & Immigration Canada to process overseas visa applications, and holds all the information on the current status of every immigration application

有人说了:网上不是有个 e-client 么?那个东西几乎没用,例如对于 skilled worker 申请从提交到批准下来这一两年,e-client 决大多数时候只有一句话 - “in process”。这不是废话么。

CAIPS 里面提供的信息就详细多了,例如材料什么时候收到、申请费交没交、大概评估分数是多少、对于你的 case 移民局有如特别 note、最近是否发信给过你、为什么发信给你、你提交的各种补充材料他们是否收到、体检结果移民局是否收到 等等。CAIPS 应该是你通过正当渠道能得到的关于你申请情况最详细的报告。

◆◆◆ 申请 caips 要多少钱 ◆◆◆

首先要说,如果申请人现在 present in Canada 给自己要 caips 其实是免费的。你在查询自己的信息,根据加拿大法律 Privacy Act 规定,如果是要求自己的信息,是免费的。

上个星期有个朋友和我讲:他们咨询某华人移民公司,那家的老板信誓旦旦地说 caips 只有某些特定的移民顾问能查,要价 300 加币给查一份。听后吓了我一跳,居然有人这么心黑,都是中国人对同胞真下得了手。佩服佩服,办这么个小东西骗 300,下次办移民工签就是骗 3000、5000 了,将来就不怕报应么?今天碰巧看了一家挺有名的华人移民中介公司的网站,上面大大方方办理这个东西要 200 加币。唉,跑题了,继续讲 caips ......

如果你委托人 present in Canada 在加拿大的朋友查询,那叫通过 access to information act 查询你的资料,别人查你的资料,加拿大政府是要收钱点钱的,多少呢?绝对不是 200、300 加币,是 5 加币。嗯,我没写错你也没看错,是一二三四五的五。

老有人问,那国际学生查询是不是要非交这 5 加币呢,我的答案是不用。加拿大政府还算公平,在这个问题对留学生和移民公民一视同仁。

我以前当国际学生的时候,就此事问过移民局主管这个事情的人。下面是 CIC 的一部门 manager 给我的回信。

Hello, XXX, ........ since you are presently in Canada, please check off the Privacy Act and note that no fee is required.

Manager of Operations - PRAD
tel: (613) 946-xxxx
fax: (613) 957-xxxx

注:我现在写 access to information act or privacy act 是专门值移民申请,其实通过这两个法案可以查很多很多很多其它的内容。


不好意思,周末比较忙,就写了这么多。大家先看着,等我下个周末再继续写。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 【“花椒面”原创】申请 CAIPS 的详细步骤(1)
    • 没说重点,等着续集
      • 这个周末实在忙,要“重点”,等下个周末吧
        • 填好了表,可是找遍了世界,也不知道该往哪里送。麻烦告知!着急ing......
          • not here? http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-atip.html
            Send your information request to:

            Public Rights Administration
            Citizenship and Immigration Canada
            Narono Building
            360 Laurier Avenue West, 10th floor
            Ottawa, ON
            K1A 1L1
            • yes, that is it
              • 还算好找的。每个页面其实都有个导航,就像文件路径名一样,这一层找不到,就到上一层里翻:

                Access to Information and
                Privacy at CIC

                Access to Information Requests

                For all access to information requests, you must complete the Access to Information Request Form or send a written request describing the information you are seeking and any relevant details necessary to help CIC find it. You must mention that you are requesting the information pursuant to the Access to Information Act and include a $5 application fee.

                You may send the application fee in the form of a cheque or money order made payable to the Receiver General for Canada.

              • Thank you.
          • why not go to the gov website, u can find everything there: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/, and I think it is going to Ottwa.
      • 谢谢花椒面,事实胜于雄辩,从这里可以看出谁是在真正帮助大家。而一些所谓的正人君子,道德卫士又为大家做了什么?
    • 要看“花椒面”更多关于移民和雅思考试方面的文章,欢迎大家光临我的 rolia 个人专辑
      • 无论你们谁说花椒面的坏话,我都坚决反对。好像你们上网下载的东西就不侵犯copy right 似的
    • 请问通过caips可以查寻公民申请的进度吗?非常感谢! 等待下文.
      • theoretically, it should be able to get info about all sorts of applications with CIC but I am not sure how exactly you could do it
    • 雷锋以前听说过,现在见到了 -- 是通过网络,故称“网络雷锋”,嘿嘿!
      • 在论坛上热心给人解答问题的人很多,都是在 volunteer 地贡献自己的时间和经验,不管人家态度如何,只要实实在在帮上忙了,都是“雷锋”。
    • 请问,填了caips表,寄什么地方,是buffalo吗?
      • 麻烦你往上看一行
        • 上面是查别人的材料送的地址,查自己的网上给了11个地址,是用哪个
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Addresses for Personal Information Requests
          Send your request for personal information to:

          Atlantic Region
          Regional Privacy Coordinator
          Atlantic Regional Office
          1875 Brunswick Street
          Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2G8

          British Columbia and Yukon Region
          Regional Privacy Coordinator
          British Columbia and Yukon Regional Office
          800 Burrard Street, Suite 641
          Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2V8

          Ontario Region
          Regional Privacy Coordinator
          Ontario Regional Office
          25 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 200
          Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2

          Prairies and Northern Territories Region
          Regional Privacy Coordinator
          Prairies and Northern Territories Regional Office
          Johnston Terminal
          25 Forks Market Road, Suite 400
          Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4S9

          Quebec Region
          Regional Privacy Coordinator
          Quebec Regional Office
          1010 St-Antoine Street West, 2nd Floor
          Montréal, Quebec H3C 1B2

          For privacy requests concerning Canadian citizenship records, please contact:
          Privacy Coordinator
          Case Processing Centre Sydney
          P.O. Box 7000
          Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6V6

          For privacy requests concerning permanent resident card applications, please contact:
          Privacy Coordinator
          Case Processing Centre Sydney
          P.O. Box 9000
          Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6K7

          For privacy requests concerning immigration sponsorships, please contact:
          Privacy Coordinator
          Case Processing Centre Mississauga
          P.O. Box 6100, Station A
          Mississauga, Ontario L5A 4H4

          For privacy requests concerning visitor extensions, student authorizations, employment authorizations, temporary resident permit extensions, immigrant applications for landing in Canada and Right of Landing Fee (ROLF) loans, please contact:
          Privacy Coordinator
          Case Processing Centre Vegreville
          6212, 55th Avenue
          Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1W5

          For files held by the Case Management Branch, please contact:
          ATIP Coordinator
          Case Management Branch
          Jean Edmonds Tower North
          300 Slater Street, 9th Floor
          Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1

          For files held by the Medical Services Branch, please contact:
          ATIP Coordinator
          Medical Services Branch
          Canadian Building
          219 Laurier Avenue West, 3rd Floor
          Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1

          Privacy requests can also be made at local Canada immigration centres. Consult your telephone directory for the centre nearest you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 你理解错了,那个地址就是你需要寄的。
        • 请问8,9,10 是哪个?
          • http://www.rolia.net/forum/forum_showPost.php?tno=326003&pno=2660855&_bno=40&_cno=4100&
            • 请看看这网站:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-personal.html
            • 请问花椒面:您自己用这地址查过自己的材料吗?谢谢!
              • y
                • 谢谢匿名和花椒面,我看网上说会给5小时的查你自己资料时间,是怎样通知我呢,寄信还是电话?
                  • “网上”哪儿说的?给个 link
                    • 就是你给的网页上写的:This fee entitles you to five hours of search and preparation time for the requested records. You may need to pay extra fees
    • 非常感谢花椒面,期待续集!!!!!请问那些移民信息可以在移民网站上通过CAIPS随时查询的吗?
    • 我已经寄CAIPS表去 Vegreville, Alberta了,该怎么办?

      Privacy Coordinator
      Case Processing Centre Vegreville
      6212, 55th Avenue
      Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1W5


      Public Rights Administration
      Citizenship and Immigration Canada
      Narono Building
      360 Laurier Avenue West, 10th floor
      Ottawa, ON
      K1A 1L1
      • AB 肯定不会理你的,他们专门处理境内申请。其它的,我不说你也知道该怎么做。
        • 看来只能再寄一份去Ottawa了. 谢谢花椒面