"我是想早打灯, 对方如果是一个老手,他会知道你要变线而不是马上变线,因为距离不够,你会等他过去后再变线。如果是一个新手,他会以新手的心理思维去认为你马上要变线,给他一个措手不及,他会采取刹车的办法让你变线,这样会影响交通,也会给其后的车辆造成危险。"
wrong here. should be: 对方如果是一个老手, he will be prepared to brake in case you are new driver or a driver don't check the mirrors and dead spots. once he make sure you won't change, he will pass you. 如果是一个新手, 他会think你要变线而不是马上变线,因为距离不够,你会等他过去后再变线 and some times this cause accident. so don't assume anything when you drive. aim high at the wheel, know your surroundings, be prepared, leave yourself an exit
wrong here. should be: 对方如果是一个老手, he will be prepared to brake in case you are new driver or a driver don't check the mirrors and dead spots. once he make sure you won't change, he will pass you. 如果是一个新手, 他会think你要变线而不是马上变线,因为距离不够,你会等他过去后再变线 and some times this cause accident. so don't assume anything when you drive. aim high at the wheel, know your surroundings, be prepared, leave yourself an exit