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关于Emission Test

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛先声明,本贴所有内容都是从以前的帖子里copy来的,本人做了整理,但是原作者不幸没有记录,在此先表示感谢。


新移民初来乍到,大多先买部二手车。接下来的便是车的维修等一系列的索事,其中之一是每车逃不掉的Emission Test。

本人拥有两部旧车,分别为1988和1991年,在历年的Emission Test 中,经过百般折磨和道听途说,总结了几点体会,供我们天下穷哥们参考,如有不当之处,还请多多包涵。

1. Test 的时机

Ontario Emission Test 根据车辆的生产年份,分单、双年号每两年须Emission Test,Pass 后才能renew 你的车牌。MOT 会在你生日的前几个月给你寄出Renew or Emission Test 通知。现在的Emission Test Certificate 的有效期已改为一年,如果你的生日是在Winter Time,那你最好计划提前在夏秋季气温暖和的时候把它给做了,不必等到通知来了以后才做。(因为冷空气对gas燃烧充分起了不利的因素。我其中一例的 Emission Test 在winter的早晨做时fail,到下午3点出太阳最暖和时,换另一家再做pass 可以说明一二。)这样既提高了Pass的可能性,又有充分的时间处理可能发生的fail to pass 情况。

2.Test 前的准备

2.1. Add Fuel system cleaner to your gas tank, when you fill gas, and run out of it. 我用过一种guaranty to pass 添加剂, 据其说明,如果fail to pass, 可原银奉还。但条件是你的车部件没有毛病。真是可笑,若部件没有毛病,还用加它来帮忙。可想而知,我的钱打了水漂。Canada 这样tricky 的事还真不少。其充其量顶多是一个Fuel system cleaner。

2.2. Fill a full tank of premium gasoline to your car. The high detergent content will help clear and out carbon from the engine, as will a long highway drive. 建议加 Sunoco ethanol-enhanced gasoline for the test,据说可 cuts CO output by 30 per cent and reduces unburned hydrocarbons. These fuels carry Environment Canada's EcoLogo designation, in recognition of their environmental benefits。

2.3. Chang Engine oil。Contaminants in old oil may affect emissions. if you have any leaks, try using oil, transmission, or power-steering fluid stop-leak products. Canadian Tire 有卖一种叫Lucas 的engine treatment添加剂听说不错(around $12 each bottle).该添加剂可提高Pass的可能性(call 1-888-878-6973 for more information)。

2.4. 选一qualified emission test 车行。有的车行为揽生意,Test 之前不对你的车warm up 或一心巴望你的车fail,其可有维修活干。到这样的车行test,其结果可想而知。我上面提到的例子,同一辆车在同一天test,不同的车行有不同的结果, 这除了与气温有关,也不排除车行的不同处理态度。至少后一家车行的mechanic 告诉我,他会double warm before test。

2.5. 择黄道吉日 and make an appointment for your car emission test.

3. Testing

Thoroughly warm up your vehicle with a 20-minute highway drive before drive to the test, your car works most efficiently when all fluids and components are at operating temperature, also all emission controls will be functioning at their peak. 在把car key 交给 mechanic 前,如可能的话不要熄火,keep the engine warm. Then pray. Good luck. (END)

如果不幸中招,也不必难过。毕竟是一旧车,有毛病也不足为奇。想一想,没有毛病的车人家还会卖给咱?既来之,则安之。根据安省规定,用于emission system 维修的花费控制在$450.00(part and diagnostic fee), 如已达到这个数目,即使仍通不过test,可以拿到condition pass certificate, and can renew your plate. 由于是旧车,如果能不超过$500 renew plate,让它再替你跑两年也值。So what I like to do is :( type in English will be easier for me)

4.1. Ask mechanic to do a diagnosis (cost around $80.00), and keep the receipt.
4.2. Normally they ask you to change air filter, spark plugs,O2 sensor,etc。For air filter (around $15-$50), spark plugs (around $6x4orx6) and O2 sensor (around $100-$200) changing, you can do it by yourself to save you the labour charge if you can, and keep the parts receipt.
4.3. After get O2 sensor changed (about 70% of high emission problems are due to a faulty oxygen sensor), follow the step 3 and test again. If you still test your car in the same garage, the second time test fee is $15.00 (first time $30.00).
4.4. If it’s still fail to pass, either to get fuel injector or muffler changed depending on which one is worse or mechanic’s advice. It will cost you another $200-$300 parts fee, keep the receipt. I would like to change that one which the labour fee is less.
4.5. So far, you don’t need to fix anything, because your cost to repair the emission system fee (Parts and diagnostic charges) is already over $450.00, you are qualified to get the condition pass certificate to renew your car plate.
4.6. Feel comfortable to drive your car since you change a lot parts, you will earn your money back by save the gas usage.

Anyway, if you think that your car is not worth to cost $500 to get the plate, don’t hesitate to throw it away.


若你的车元件上没有太大问题,你可以到CT买个CRC Guaranteed To Pass的Emissions Test Formula,大概9.99元(产品上说若车元件上没有问题仍不过可以退双倍钱),用法在包装盒上有.我的老车和你一样,最近做尾气检测没有通过,其中一个参数高了2倍.就买了一瓶这个,我的用法如下:油箱中加满Sunoco的Ultra 94,立即加入这瓶添加剂到汽油箱中,在高速上跑250公里后,再加满Sunoco的Ultra 94,再到高速上跑10公里,立即做尾气测试(不能等,若要等就去另一家测),就通过了,测出的指标远远低于要通过的上限.若还不过,多半你的车元件有问题了,那你一定要去修了,至少300元以上.

我是在2004年10月16日在4630 Sheppard Ave East的Canadian Tire买的,货号是38-0709-8.


只做EMISSION TEST的,不用预约,1545 WARDEN AVE,416-335-8378更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 关于Emission Test
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛先声明,本贴所有内容都是从以前的帖子里copy来的,本人做了整理,但是原作者不幸没有记录,在此先表示感谢。


    新移民初来乍到,大多先买部二手车。接下来的便是车的维修等一系列的索事,其中之一是每车逃不掉的Emission Test。

    本人拥有两部旧车,分别为1988和1991年,在历年的Emission Test 中,经过百般折磨和道听途说,总结了几点体会,供我们天下穷哥们参考,如有不当之处,还请多多包涵。

    1. Test 的时机

    Ontario Emission Test 根据车辆的生产年份,分单、双年号每两年须Emission Test,Pass 后才能renew 你的车牌。MOT 会在你生日的前几个月给你寄出Renew or Emission Test 通知。现在的Emission Test Certificate 的有效期已改为一年,如果你的生日是在Winter Time,那你最好计划提前在夏秋季气温暖和的时候把它给做了,不必等到通知来了以后才做。(因为冷空气对gas燃烧充分起了不利的因素。我其中一例的 Emission Test 在winter的早晨做时fail,到下午3点出太阳最暖和时,换另一家再做pass 可以说明一二。)这样既提高了Pass的可能性,又有充分的时间处理可能发生的fail to pass 情况。

    2.Test 前的准备

    2.1. Add Fuel system cleaner to your gas tank, when you fill gas, and run out of it. 我用过一种guaranty to pass 添加剂, 据其说明,如果fail to pass, 可原银奉还。但条件是你的车部件没有毛病。真是可笑,若部件没有毛病,还用加它来帮忙。可想而知,我的钱打了水漂。Canada 这样tricky 的事还真不少。其充其量顶多是一个Fuel system cleaner。

    2.2. Fill a full tank of premium gasoline to your car. The high detergent content will help clear and out carbon from the engine, as will a long highway drive. 建议加 Sunoco ethanol-enhanced gasoline for the test,据说可 cuts CO output by 30 per cent and reduces unburned hydrocarbons. These fuels carry Environment Canada's EcoLogo designation, in recognition of their environmental benefits。

    2.3. Chang Engine oil。Contaminants in old oil may affect emissions. if you have any leaks, try using oil, transmission, or power-steering fluid stop-leak products. Canadian Tire 有卖一种叫Lucas 的engine treatment添加剂听说不错(around $12 each bottle).该添加剂可提高Pass的可能性(call 1-888-878-6973 for more information)。

    2.4. 选一qualified emission test 车行。有的车行为揽生意,Test 之前不对你的车warm up 或一心巴望你的车fail,其可有维修活干。到这样的车行test,其结果可想而知。我上面提到的例子,同一辆车在同一天test,不同的车行有不同的结果, 这除了与气温有关,也不排除车行的不同处理态度。至少后一家车行的mechanic 告诉我,他会double warm before test。

    2.5. 择黄道吉日 and make an appointment for your car emission test.

    3. Testing

    Thoroughly warm up your vehicle with a 20-minute highway drive before drive to the test, your car works most efficiently when all fluids and components are at operating temperature, also all emission controls will be functioning at their peak. 在把car key 交给 mechanic 前,如可能的话不要熄火,keep the engine warm. Then pray. Good luck. (END)

    如果不幸中招,也不必难过。毕竟是一旧车,有毛病也不足为奇。想一想,没有毛病的车人家还会卖给咱?既来之,则安之。根据安省规定,用于emission system 维修的花费控制在$450.00(part and diagnostic fee), 如已达到这个数目,即使仍通不过test,可以拿到condition pass certificate, and can renew your plate. 由于是旧车,如果能不超过$500 renew plate,让它再替你跑两年也值。So what I like to do is :( type in English will be easier for me)

    4.1. Ask mechanic to do a diagnosis (cost around $80.00), and keep the receipt.
    4.2. Normally they ask you to change air filter, spark plugs,O2 sensor,etc。For air filter (around $15-$50), spark plugs (around $6x4orx6) and O2 sensor (around $100-$200) changing, you can do it by yourself to save you the labour charge if you can, and keep the parts receipt.
    4.3. After get O2 sensor changed (about 70% of high emission problems are due to a faulty oxygen sensor), follow the step 3 and test again. If you still test your car in the same garage, the second time test fee is $15.00 (first time $30.00).
    4.4. If it’s still fail to pass, either to get fuel injector or muffler changed depending on which one is worse or mechanic’s advice. It will cost you another $200-$300 parts fee, keep the receipt. I would like to change that one which the labour fee is less.
    4.5. So far, you don’t need to fix anything, because your cost to repair the emission system fee (Parts and diagnostic charges) is already over $450.00, you are qualified to get the condition pass certificate to renew your car plate.
    4.6. Feel comfortable to drive your car since you change a lot parts, you will earn your money back by save the gas usage.

    Anyway, if you think that your car is not worth to cost $500 to get the plate, don’t hesitate to throw it away.


    若你的车元件上没有太大问题,你可以到CT买个CRC Guaranteed To Pass的Emissions Test Formula,大概9.99元(产品上说若车元件上没有问题仍不过可以退双倍钱),用法在包装盒上有.我的老车和你一样,最近做尾气检测没有通过,其中一个参数高了2倍.就买了一瓶这个,我的用法如下:油箱中加满Sunoco的Ultra 94,立即加入这瓶添加剂到汽油箱中,在高速上跑250公里后,再加满Sunoco的Ultra 94,再到高速上跑10公里,立即做尾气测试(不能等,若要等就去另一家测),就通过了,测出的指标远远低于要通过的上限.若还不过,多半你的车元件有问题了,那你一定要去修了,至少300元以上.

    我是在2004年10月16日在4630 Sheppard Ave East的Canadian Tire买的,货号是38-0709-8.


    只做EMISSION TEST的,不用预约,1545 WARDEN AVE,416-335-8378更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 顶住,别跑了,现在没有时间看,留着以后看,版主不要散出了
    • 这么喜欢污染,搬到北京住着不是更爽?有时间研究这些歪门邪道还不如去打工赚俩钱花。
      • 嗯,好学生,考试前从来不复习吧?
    • 用于emission system 维修的花费控制在$450.00(part and diagnostic fee), 是指。。。。
      • should be covered, as long as it's emission test related.
      • no. 450$指的是你若第一次没通过的话,在"同一家店"修理及第二次test的总收费不可超过450.,
        • 说的不准确,因该是:在"同一家店"修理及第二次test的总收费达到450$,仍未能通过的话,就会给你一个conditional pass,有效期只有一年.
          • 若通过的话有效期多久?记得老车好象每年都要检的吧,每年RENEW PLATE
    • mark->
    • btw,为什么要去SUNCO加油,做检测的时候?
      • 据说SUNOCO的油质量好一点.
        • Only Sunoco has ultra94, the best type.
    • 1545 WARDEN AVE,416-335-8378 还真是个做emission test 的好地方.no appointment,但要排对.