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The scandal is bad. Liberal is bad. i never like Martin. Would Harper make things better? would he speed up parents immigration? i doubt. .

I still dont trust Martin. However, i think he has to do something to keep himself safe.Even if Liberal wins again, the chance of Martin keeping his recent promises wouldnt be 100%.... If Harper wins, the chance of speeding up parents immigration would be almost nothing...Anyway, that's my opinion. You dont have to agree. Not everyone is for parents immigration, though many of those who are against parents immigration might have brought their parents into Canada already. Again, such people still have their own reason to be against parents immigration....They got what they wanted.
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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 怎样保住父母移民胜利果实--三论政治与政策
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛昨天,联邦移民部长宣布了加快父母移民的措施。这真是大快人心!这是民主的胜利,是所有支持父母移民的人团结抗争的胜利。下一步应该怎么办,我觉得最重要的是确保这些措施落实。其他该做什么可以讨论,但是如有大选,我一定要投自由党一票。


    其二,抗争的目的是主要的,不必太计较过程中一些小节。比如质疑时机问题,我们不是为了抗争而抗争,我们的目的是父母尽早移民团聚。自由党的目的是继续做执政党。大家各得其所,何乐不为?有人说自由党为了拉选票。那又怎样?我们顺势实现我们的目标,是皆大欢喜的事情。别说父母移民这样一件相对小的事情,其他大政策如"NEW DEAL FOR CITIES", 卫生保健,幼儿教育,不都是执政党择机宣布?再退一步,政策换选票也是公平的政治游戏规则之一。哪个党会对你予求予取,不求选票作回报?






    总之,新出台的父母移民政策是合理的,人道的。我们盼望并采取措施确保它的实现。如有大选,我呼吁投自由党。旁人事不关己,随便评论几局(游行时就有人说,我们是被别人当枪使。现在又有人说选自由党是被当枪使)。我作为办父母移民的人,心里可得有数,否则有煮熟的鸭子飞了的危险。下次大选,我这一票是自由党的铁票。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 统一的说。
      • 统一当然最好,但不统一能去投票也行,就怕不投票。
    • 是这意思。这次说是拉选票就不能选的,本来就不支持自由党,也不大支持父母团聚。就别人的立场也没法改变啦
    • 支持你投票。 我也投一票,只不过是保守党的铁票 :-D ( 不过,估计不会重选,因为保守党并没有取胜的把握)
      • 保守党希望确实不大,因为马田的经济搞的不错。
        • 要不是保守党 制出的GST (种的 tree) , 马田那会有不错的济 经(Fruits)? . I learned this lesson from a Chinese lady last. year. I feel very sorry for 选自由党 3 times by misunderstood the GST.
          • 税收能够促进经济?您真是越来越长进了.建议用这个劲头去学习汉语
            • 为什么不能?你懂不懂经济学?有税收就有更多的gov exp. 就有更灵活的财政政策。
              • 听起来象NDP的理论. :-)
                • 积极的财政政策包括增加gov exp.和减少税收,两者是静态矛盾的,但是是动态平衡的。其中gov exp.的作用大于减少税收。
                  • Another Liberal supporter. Based on this theory, Canada should have a much higher GDP per capita than US.
                    No surprise Ontario Financial Minister said that It is a good thing to have a high auot premium!
        • I think conservative could pull off a win on this one.
          People wants to change and in Ontario quite often you wanna see an opposite party on Federal and provincial. If conservative could win Ontario, they will have a real chance.
          • 安省和魁省的票太强了,西部和东部简直就没办法。
      • 但无论如何我们要去投票,没有投票权的看看能不能挤出点时间做义工。
    • agree!!!
    • Good!
    • agree jzl3. Parents are very important for me. If Liberal can let my parents immigrate here within 2 years, I definitely will vote it.
    • Liberal's stragety got some lazy people's support. Their goal achieved. When BC is having an election,
      they supported their buddy by claiming to send more gas tax. Now they want to save their ass by getting immigrants support. Unfortunately this time they will get disappointment. Harper is the next Prime Minister.
      • what do you mean by 'lazy people'? More people voted for Liberals than Conservatives. You think they all didn't think through?
        • got money not working like one in scandol case, they'r ''lazy people''. many men like me, had listened to Liebral, I'd voted it for 3 times, a man that I just know, he'd voted it for 30 yrs. we all wake up now.
    • Yeah, next step is to speed up the process of immigrating grandparents, next next step is for grandgrandparents...the challenge, though, is to find good reason or excuse (perhaps humanity again?)
      • Don't try to be smart. Being cynical can't change the fact that immigrating parents and grandparents IS our right. It IS based on humanity! And the government is doing it. Cheers!
        • No need to jump - Having different opinions is normal. I got my rights to make my voice loud, since I am paying my share of taxes; I'm sure you are too.
          • 胡司令,这可不象您在天坛理性讨论的样子阿。
            • You can tell me where I am not 理性讨论ing! I hope it's not just because my opinion is different. ;) By the way, I never go to 天坛 (unable to register...hehe)
              • 新移民头两年似乎在万锦、士嘉堡和裆烫较易立足 - 胡司令, not you?
                • hehe...that's not 天坛, that's 卑诗骄阳 :)
                  • 我说您不理性,您自己说移民过来的人,GRANTPA一代还在的能有几人?可何况GRANTGRANTPA,您这不是捣乱是什么?
                    • You've got a good point.
                  • 司令为何不用中文?INPUTKING很不错。
                    • 我可以用中文。只是英文随时可敲更便捷!
          • I am jumping. I jump because I am happy about the new immigration rule. I am happy because I am so proud of our united effort to make the change.
            • well, good for you! i still have my say even though the rule is now in your favour.
              • Of course you can have your say. I acknowledge you are pretty reasonable in your conversation with yanyan13. But your first post made me feel that you were just being smart.
                • That should be one of the ways to make yourself heard, eh? ;)
                  • Then, you did it. You are much better than those who never admit others' correctness.
                    • well, nobody is correct; everybody has a right (sounds like "everybody is right"?? ;)). in the immigration issue, it's the matter of how to cut the pie or pizza into slices. have a good weekend.
                      • By correctness I don't mean one opinion is more correct over another. I mean you got to acknowledge the pros or cons of one's opinions.
                        • gotcha. absolutely.
                          • don't believe in Liberals. Once elected, they will forget what they said. No honesty, no trust to them at all.
                            • 4.14 MIngpao 说 '移民局03年砍父母的移民申请' . 03年是自由党执政吧 ,为什么他要砍父母申请, 而讓*****有400,000 的配额啊. 父母移民是合法的啊
                              • At least the new Minister is correcting. Conservatives always try to control immigrants.
                                • 在保守党MP支持的抗争下& 丑闻危机爆发下才抛出来 . 这只能说明政治的黑暗,自由党 & VOLPE 并不能赢得信任. 4. 13 保守党MP Ink Mark 在 TV说 . he wanted the sister & brother as family 团聚, 自由党投反票.
                                • Re. jr1221(平常): I do not understand what do you mean for ''Conservatives always try to control immigrants. ''?
                                  • 自由党 砍 父母合法移民配额 ,不讓sister & brother as family 团聚 ,在抗争下& 丑闻危机爆发下才改, 出尔反尔, 这才是真正的 ''always try to control immigrants''.
                                  • Look at it yourself: "You have to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from Eastern Canada;
                                    people who live in ghettos and are not integrated into Western Canadian society."
                                    - Conservative leader Stephen Harper, in Report Newsmagazine, 2001.
                                    • RE.#2258314 , What's wrong with it?
                                      • He said immigrants are not integrated into the society which means we are outsiders. If you don't think anything is wrong, I can only say you are dumb.
                                        • check step by step from #2256637; #2257768; #2257770;#2258314 #2259444; & #2260214 you change the topic answering my question, and you'r lying on # 2260210. It's no more credit.
                            • At least they promised, Conservatives haven't even promised yet. Like Toronto Mayor Miller's applealing about new deals for cities, Conservatives don't even want to promise.
                              • If you read the newspaper, you should know Stepehn Harpen supports Onatrio for 5 BILLION federal transfer while Paul Martin refused to meet Dalton Mcguinty.
                                Federal Liberals doesn't care their little provincial federal brothers. So you should know who supports Ontario and Toronto. Liberals are the worst! Not just BAD!!! THEY ARE LIARS and STEAL money from your and my hard-earned money!!!
                                • Paul Martin didn't refuse. They are in the process of negotiation. The Immigration Minister who also acts as Ontario Liaison already met with Ontario finance minister. While Stephen
                                  Harper is in opposition, of course he can write the blank cheque.
                              • How many promises have they promised since beginning? They promised would cut GST so that I had voted them for 3 times. They promised would support tradition marriage, but broken up promise, like Martin, Volpe,et--.
                              • 自相矛盾, First you wrote; '' Conservatives haven't even promised yet'' after the#2256638 reply, you wrote:''Harper is in opposition, of course he can write the blank cheque.'' .
                                • What does '' While Stephen Harper is in opposition, of course he can write the blank cheque.'' mean? Once you said ''Conservatives don't even want to promise'' that's why was said 自相矛盾.
                              • 也 是自相矛盾: ''At least they promised''( #2256631) & ''Paul Martin didn't refuseThey are in the process of negotiation.'' .(#2256658)
                                • These refer to two different things. What Liberals promised is they would speed up Parents Immigration. What they are in the process of negotiation is about the Ontario 5 billion gap.
                                  You'd better read my posts carefully first.
                                  • the ''like'' between 2 sentences they should be talking one thing. you seems talking the ''new deals''. so how can others understand what you'r talking about.
                                  • The Conservative had do a lot to support before the Liberal's promise, do some thing is better then any promise. SYP website said that they had met Harper. Did Martin & Volpe meet the group? if yes, then no 3.11.
                                    • would Harper meet them if he were PM now?
                                      • what do you think?
                                        • Harper didn't meet with SYP group. Liberals announced new rules to speed up parents immigration. That's what it counts.
                                          • EVENTS 18 February 2005: "Sponsor Your Parents" mets with Leader of conservatives Steven Harper and opposition immigration critic Diane Ablonczy. I copy the above message from the website. Why you'r lying here?
                                        • If Harper were PM or even Minister of Immigration NOW, i dont think he would meet them.
                                          • How can you approve your thinking?
    • Agree! Liberal is bad. But if you dont vote for the bad, you can only vote for the worse.
      • The scandal is the worse case in Canda's history. Don't you think Liberal is not the worse?
        • The scandal is bad. Liberal is bad. i never like Martin. Would Harper make things better? would he speed up parents immigration? i doubt. .
          I still dont trust Martin. However, i think he has to do something to keep himself safe.Even if Liberal wins again, the chance of Martin keeping his recent promises wouldnt be 100%.... If Harper wins, the chance of speeding up parents immigration would be almost nothing...Anyway, that's my opinion. You dont have to agree. Not everyone is for parents immigration, though many of those who are against parents immigration might have brought their parents into Canada already. Again, such people still have their own reason to be against parents immigration....They got what they wanted.
          • Things the Conservative did for the "Sponsor Your Parents" , every one can see, I went to 3.11, only Conservative MP there, don't need to say thanks, but don't make many negative thinking. It's so confusing us.
          • I don't agree with胡司乱令 & your opinions. no one can change the parents right as I said ''sure win if we get 500 people show up'' to kalen before 3.11. why you said that , even the Conservation MP are helping
            • why? i just want what i want. i want to be reunited with my parents in Canada.
              Would Conservative help that if they get into Ottawa? Are those Conservative MP help because they are Conservative or because they are opposition party?Let's see if Harper would say anything or promise anything about parents immigration in the election campain.
              • Creating. more conflicts is worthless. If your friends have been helping you, would you hurt their feeling by writing about your imagination on forum.