中华人民共和国的国名最初拟定为“中华人民民主共和国”、简称“中华民国”。6月30日毛泽东发表的《论人民民主专政》中只用了“人民共和国”[81]。且在7月9日举行的新政治协商会议筹备会第四小组第二次会议上,张奚若等人认为名称过长而应去除“民主”二字,使用“中华人民共和国”[注 3][82][83]。对于张奚若的观点,周善培和司徒美堂则主张要用“民主”二字[注 4][81]。8月17日,新政治协商会议筹备会第三次全体会议修正并通过了组织法的初步草案,其中新国名去掉了“民主”二字。[81]且周恩来向政协代表等人作了《关于中国人民政协的几个问题》报告,其中表示“民主”与“共和”有共同意思,且这两个都已有民主含义,故去掉“民主”二字。[81][82]
Middle-earth, also known as Ennor or Endor, is the main continent of Arda, Tolkien's imagined version of our Earth's past. Middle-earth is reminiscent of old Europe in the Middle Ages and earlier—with a significant difference. This version of our world is populated not just by humans but also by Elves, Hobbits, Orcs, and Dwarves, among many species.
According to the mythology of Tolkien's Middle-earth, the world of Arda used to consist of interconnected worlds. At the center of that universe was Middle-earth, the world of humans, and across the great ocean, Belegaer, was Aman. There are other lands in Arda, but these are the two main continents.