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If this bill-63 passes, I, a Chinese immigrant, would immigrate back to China, because China would be more tolerate of free speech than Canada. Here are a few examples of comparison;

1. China would not jail you for life for what you say on line. Canada would.

2. China always blocks or deletes your posts/accounts first, warn you next, not immediately take you to court/prison. And no cash rewards for someone to report your “crime”. Canada would immediately put you on trial and award the complainant $25000 CAD.

3. China would not jail you for saying something “hateful/harmful” to anyone such as man/woman/ LGBT/seniors and etc, as long as it is not “harmful” to the Party. Canada would jail you for saying anything anyone thought was “hateful/harmful” to them.

4. China would not punish you if you were not saying anything “hateful/harmful”. Chinese are safe if they are just shut up. Canada would if someone thought you might say something “hateful/harmful” in future but you haven’t said it. Canadians would not be safe even they were shut up.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 总结了一下Bill-63,都集中在一帖:智忧党发布古往今来最狠的文字狱:Bill-63 +15
    • 要点如下


    说真话也会受到惩罚,只要有人不爱听。加拿大高法说过,truth is not the defence(真理不能用作挡箭牌),只要有人不喜欢,说的是事实也可以算hate crime仇恨犯罪,比如“华人炒菜油烟大”。。。




    • 注释




    2.322 智忧党发布古往今来最狠的文字狱:Bill-63 | halfpercent (wordpress.com)

    • 。。。 +9


      • 自己关注自己? 真够自恋的😄 +5
        • 嫉妒了?按照智忧党的这个法案,我就可以告你仇恨犯罪,让你终生坐牢,哈哈。。。 +9


          • 白色K怖,和香港,北韩类似了,加拿大好堕落。 +3
            • 智忧党8年,民主自由了一百多年的加拿大,都快变共产国了。 +3
    • "用鸡丁、辣椒、砒霜做了一道菜,你不肯动筷子,就指责你嘴叼连宫爆鸡丁都不吃",这个比喻太形象了!+100 +8
      • 左霉和智忧左左就是这样攻击反对者:这个法案是保护孩子,你怎么能狠心反对? +8
        • 对, 就像骗你“为了保护你祖父母,你必须打毒针”一个套路。都3年了,还认不清形势的不是眼瞎,就是心黑 +6
          • 没错,看到这个法案还支持智忧党的,都没有智忧了,只有智障,和一小撮丧尽天良的。 +3
    • 除了老大哥的眼睛,还会开启告密之风。无论是权势熏天的酷吏,还是投机钻营的告密者,都不过是当权者扫清权力障碍而需要的工具。 +9



      • $25000奖励告密者,一旦成为法律,我就把肉联的所有华人左左告上法庭,呵呵 +4
    • 写了个英文贴发到了网上: +4

      If this bill-63 passes, I, a Chinese immigrant, would immigrate back to China, because China would be more tolerate of free speech than Canada. Here are a few examples of comparison;

      1. China would not jail you for life for what you say on line. Canada would.

      2. China always blocks or deletes your posts/accounts first, warn you next, not immediately take you to court/prison. And no cash rewards for someone to report your “crime”. Canada would immediately put you on trial and award the complainant $25000 CAD.

      3. China would not jail you for saying something “hateful/harmful” to anyone such as man/woman/ LGBT/seniors and etc, as long as it is not “harmful” to the Party. Canada would jail you for saying anything anyone thought was “hateful/harmful” to them.

      4. China would not punish you if you were not saying anything “hateful/harmful”. Chinese are safe if they are just shut up. Canada would if someone thought you might say something “hateful/harmful” in future but you haven’t said it. Canadians would not be safe even they were shut up.

      • 说话算话啊。能理解 支持。至少中国没听说有割鸡鸡的担心 +3
        • 看到这个法案还支持智忧党的,都没有智忧了,只有智障,和一小撮丧尽天良的 +3
      • Ture! +2
    • 几年前或者疫情前美国大选前,一直觉得白人更善良,制度有制约有监督,各级政府的官员不会太坏,唉,大错特错了。 +2
      • 面包会有的。
      • 从一个极端到另一个极端 +2
        • 好像你还没看出来,智忧党和左左的邪恶缺德,不输史上任何坏蛋。 +6
    • 文字狱其实在加拿大早有了,最近一次是两人在公车上聊反对小孩割鸡鸡当太监的游行,下车就被警察抓了戴上手铐―――聊天聊得“不对”都会被捕,华左是开心还是胆寒呢? +5
      • 这简直是恐怖!想想吧,正常的逻辑是必须有reasonable ground才能够在街头截停一个人,这个案子里面警察凭啥拷人?美国国父的2修简直太忒嘛有先见了。 +4
      • “interfere with the comfort, convenience or quiet use and enjoyment of the transit system of any reasonable person.”为了骗钱脑补出个割那啥的字眼吗。
        • 知道“"1 Million March 4 Children"”是啥吗?不懂别乱喷 +3
    • #REPORT: Trudeau Liberal justice minister Arif Virani says that putting Canadians under house arrest on suspicion that they may commit a hate crime in the future will "help to deradicalize people who are learning things online." +4
      • 重点:为可能的言论罪,坐家庭监。犒,加拿大正式步入Shithole country +5
        • 要是智忧党匪首去哪个会议,我怀疑它又要骂谁极右纳粹种族分子白人至上,民主政府会不会也不许它出门啊? +4