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Subject: Formal Request for Investigation and Redress Regarding Workplace Harassment and Unjust Dismissal

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my gratitude for the update on the recent developments, and I would like to bring to your attention some crucial information regarding the reports you mentioned. I believe these reports pertain to the incidents I previously discussed with you, involving the store manager, William Zhao, and the alleged harassment by Patricia.

Firstly, the report from Canada Post, which T&T mailed through the same postal service, appears to be identical to the report T&T provided me via email. This report details my complaint against the store manager, William Zhao, who not only signed on your field report but also allegedly threatened and removed me from the employee webchat group. The report suggests that I am restricted from discussing the laws of Ontario and the police of T&T concerning workplace harassment. However, I firmly believe that, in accordance with the constitution of Canada and the law of Ontario, I have the right to share information about the law and policies with my colleagues. Thus, I find the actions of William Zhao to be unacceptable, and I contest the legality of T&T's investigation outcome.

Secondly, in the report concerning Patricia's harassment, T&T failed to address the evidence I provided—a Chinese-language audio recording of a meeting in which William Zhao acknowledged being present when Patricia made inappropriate comments. Despite the HR adviser's presence and agreement to the recording, T&T remained silent on this crucial piece of evidence. I assert that Patricia's actions violate the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the lack of attention to the evidence in T&T's report raises concerns about the fairness of the investigation.

I draw your attention to Section 55.3(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1, which grants an inspector the authority to order an employer to conduct an investigation at their expense by an impartial person possessing specified knowledge, experience, or qualifications. I kindly request that, in your capacity as an inspector, you consider issuing such an order for T&T to appoint an impartial investigator to examine both of my complaints. Additionally, I seek guidance on how I can expedite this investigation to ensure a prompt and just resolution.

Lastly, I would like to address my dismissal from T&T, which I firmly believe is a reprisal for filing these complaints. I have contacted the office of the worker advisor, and while waiting for their response, I am prepared to escalate the matter to the Ontario Labour Relations Board.

My primary objective is to seek justice in accordance with the law. I appreciate your attention to these matters and look forward to your guidance on the next steps.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I wish you a pleasant day.


[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]

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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 大统华欺凌员工续(四):申请劳工部调查员任命独立第三方进行调查 +1
    • chatgpt改的 +1

      Subject: Formal Request for Investigation and Redress Regarding Workplace Harassment and Unjust Dismissal

      Dear [Recipient's Name],

      I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my gratitude for the update on the recent developments, and I would like to bring to your attention some crucial information regarding the reports you mentioned. I believe these reports pertain to the incidents I previously discussed with you, involving the store manager, William Zhao, and the alleged harassment by Patricia.

      Firstly, the report from Canada Post, which T&T mailed through the same postal service, appears to be identical to the report T&T provided me via email. This report details my complaint against the store manager, William Zhao, who not only signed on your field report but also allegedly threatened and removed me from the employee webchat group. The report suggests that I am restricted from discussing the laws of Ontario and the police of T&T concerning workplace harassment. However, I firmly believe that, in accordance with the constitution of Canada and the law of Ontario, I have the right to share information about the law and policies with my colleagues. Thus, I find the actions of William Zhao to be unacceptable, and I contest the legality of T&T's investigation outcome.

      Secondly, in the report concerning Patricia's harassment, T&T failed to address the evidence I provided—a Chinese-language audio recording of a meeting in which William Zhao acknowledged being present when Patricia made inappropriate comments. Despite the HR adviser's presence and agreement to the recording, T&T remained silent on this crucial piece of evidence. I assert that Patricia's actions violate the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the lack of attention to the evidence in T&T's report raises concerns about the fairness of the investigation.

      I draw your attention to Section 55.3(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1, which grants an inspector the authority to order an employer to conduct an investigation at their expense by an impartial person possessing specified knowledge, experience, or qualifications. I kindly request that, in your capacity as an inspector, you consider issuing such an order for T&T to appoint an impartial investigator to examine both of my complaints. Additionally, I seek guidance on how I can expedite this investigation to ensure a prompt and just resolution.

      Lastly, I would like to address my dismissal from T&T, which I firmly believe is a reprisal for filing these complaints. I have contacted the office of the worker advisor, and while waiting for their response, I am prepared to escalate the matter to the Ontario Labour Relations Board.

      My primary objective is to seek justice in accordance with the law. I appreciate your attention to these matters and look forward to your guidance on the next steps.

      Thank you for your time and consideration. I wish you a pleasant day.


      [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]

      • 这招不错,以后写好,再请这哥们姐们改一下,再学习
        • 你都不用写好 直接把你要写的要点列出来让它出稿就行
          • 我想练英语啊,直接请ta写,英语没法练
            • 那你就练练 然后对比看如何提高 将来上庭和写文案都用得上 不过现在都用AI写了 基本上台面上都是ai对ai 老外能写这么专业的文案也少
              • 嗯嗯,毕竟在这里生活,英语提高有必要
      • 不错!
    • 没完没了。 +9
      • 大统华应该成立工会,保护广大华人劳工的利益,尤其是语言不太好的新移民,这部分人初来乍到,没有发声渠道和投票权,很容易被无良资本家欺侮。 +3
        • 反对。加拿大的法律已经很保护劳工的利益了。工会是mob,会增加我们的买菜支出。 +2
          • 公营机构的工会是MOB,是强势群体,私营机构的不是,大统华的基层员工是弱势群体,需要保护。公司的利润,既没有到员工手中,也没有回馈消费者,都进了少数人的腰包。 +4
            • 哈哈,别怼ta。有网友已经说了,ta们是奴隶主,和咱不是一个阶层,说啥都正常。 +1
              • 俺从来不怼肉友,只是表达自己的意见。 +1
                • 哈哈,对于另外一个阶层的,咱们没权利表达自己的意见
            • 你是错的。retail竞争很激烈,“也没有回馈消费者,都进了少数人的腰包”,是不可能的。 +1
              • Sales at Loblaws and Shoppers Drug Mart continue to grow, helping boost profit to $508M
                The owner of Canada's largest grocery and drugstore chains posted a quarterly profit of $508 million in the past three months, as sales across virtually all of its businesses continue to grow.
                • 土豆帮忙!碳税加大撒币,万物上涨,profit 的绝对值当然涨了。 +2
            • 确实是这样的,加拿大的私营机构有工会的很少。很多无良雇主可以随便剥削欺负员工,员工因为工作得来不易,往往也都是忍气吞声
              • UNIFOR 了解一下
              • 同样是loblaw旗下,lablow、no frills都是有工会的
                • 你了解这边工会是怎么成立的吗 +1
                  • 员工填写工会卡(这个是保密的),到一定人数,工会向劳工局申请投票,超过好像40%还是多少的员工投票赞同,工会成立。如果雇主阻止组织工会,或者对参加工会的报复打击,这是违法行为。相关法律是安省劳动关系法labour relation act
                    • 我们是必须过半数才能成立工会,所以不存在雇主阻拦工会,主要在员工要组织。记得有网友建议你组织工会,当然现在是晚了。大统华没有工会不是雇主的原因,这是我想说的。前面有些信息误导,似乎是雇主不让啥的。 +1
                      • 我刚来一年。听同事说,之前有过组织投票的,大统华从上到下,要求员工不得投票赞同。这个不存在误导。 另外,员工不管是基于什么原因,投票不支持工会,这个是有责任的。对于在职员工,工会有利无害。
                        • 工会要按时交保护费,有很多人不舍得交的。 +1
                          • 其实工会要谈成涨工资,才能开始交。以前工资低,相对来说,会费绝对数字高,可以理解。现在,工资绝对数字高了,其实还好。有了工会,工资是侃价侃出来的,没有工会,只能要么忍,要么滚。有工会,工资很大可能高一些,所以交会费也划算。
                            • 那么好,大统华员工为啥投反对票?他们自己不会衡量自己的利益吗? +2
                              • 初来加拿大,不会讲英文,不懂法律,以为这里的工会和某国工会一个德行,大统华这份工作对于养家糊口的重要性,不知道其他人是否会赞同工会,可能被打击报复,要独立去维权,能体会到不,哈哈
          • 如果一个超市管理不完善 内部矛盾激化 最终会反映到服务质量和商品性价比上 以往那些福建超市都是这样没落的 如今大统华已经开始没落 新型华超各方面都已经赶超 反正我家很少去大统华了
            • 一盒盒饭的事,能多大。不排除刁民们就是要搞华人企业,华人企业比起加拿大传统公司,也是弱者。 +2
              • 存在即合理 优胜略汰 做不好就被淘汰 +1
                • 揣着明白装糊涂,说的就是ta们。总有刁民想要害朕,就是ta们的心声。
            • 这些道理ta们懂的,只是因为青春痘没长ta们脸上而已。得不到尊重的员工,可能服务好顾客吗? +2
      • 这是新贴吗,不是已经到了(九)了吗
        • epic 4 of season 2。 +2
        • 那个是外篇,和案情没有直接相关。内篇和案情直接相关。
          • 哦。明白了,谢谢
    • 对了,家人告诉我,列治文山新开的华人超市——佳兴超市,有白人员工,而且肯定不止一个。人家生意也不错。
      • 这不错 离我近多了
    • 厉害了,菜哥,既然都到这个地步了,接着打吧,大统华怎么不雇用其他族裔,肯定还是国人听话能干,对自己员工好点是基本要求,个个都做孙子还不把他们惯出来 +3
      • 对的,都是其他同事太善良,惯了ta们三十年了, +1
    • 咋还没请上律师?律师就是帮你干这些活的。
      • 这个是投诉,律师是要向劳动关系委员会提交申请才用。我也想提高自己英语
    • 一声叹息啊,,,你这英语还是别搞了,,,我读了三行就没法看下去了,,,真要磨磨,就要舍得了银子雇个律师给你分析分析成功率,,,(一点提醒: 如果对方应诉后而且你没有赢, 对方的律师费也是你出) +2
      • 哈哈,感谢批评,不过如果能帮忙改改就更好了。败诉方承担对方的费用,这点好像是大多数国家通例。另外,三十年了,大统华英语很好的同事非常多,但是,好像维权的并不多。所以,英语好像不是障碍。。。。 +1
        • 相同数目的理赔钱+律师费,
          对于公司和个人有着天壤之别的效果:大点规模的公司, 有专业的律师事务所处理纠纷,即使输了,也没啥大不了的, 反正有个年service fee垫底; 个人如果输了, 几乎是拖了一层皮。除非有非常大的胜算并涉及肤色种族宗教歧视(对公司有极大负面社会影响), 个人才可以拼死一搏,,,现在我理解为啥温哥华两个中年女国医为啥网上拌嘴10多年并动法庭刀子了, 就是看不开啊!
          • 自己的权利,自己不去争取,别人不会给你。但是,权利的争取,是要付出成本的,所以维权要想好了。最后,愿赌就要服输,输了不能耍赖,满地打滚。 但是,也不能还没打,就跪地求饶!! +1
            • 没让你去求饶, 是让你去咨询专业人士, 不要在网上浪费时间求解药, 如果专业人士认为你可以一试, 就积极和人家合作, 否则就move on, 没必要固执的学那两个(他们就是网络推波助澜的牺牲品)。。。 +3
              • 从未寄希望于网络,只不过顺便请大家批改英语作业,结果果然有网友提出了很好意见chatgpt 。打官司,有工会的地方,工会代表;没有工会,有the offce of worker adviser。工会和这个office的律师,都是专做劳工法律的专业律师。很吃惊,没有任何一个网友提到过。
                • 这有什么吃惊的。因为没有人有类似经历吧
                  • 欺凌的经历肯定有,估计没人维权。不过可以理解,维权需要付出代价。
            • 那花钱请专业人士修改文章这点成本应该出的吧
              • 还是要区分投诉和起诉,起诉需要律师,而且我邮件里说了,the office of worker adviser,专业劳工律师。维权不能蛮干,这一点还是懂得。投诉,对方明白意思即可。从未寄希望于网络,只不过顺便请大家批改英语作业,结果果然有网友提出了很好意见chatgpt
                • 如果Chatgpt也要网友说你才知道,那还是先补补别的常识课再说 +1
                  • 我知道法律就够了,哈哈。不过网友说的常识也需要补
    • 不管是自己调查还是独立第三方进行调查, +2
      • 如果没有店长承认听到的录音,
        • 沟通有问题就是Communication Skill 问题,这正是要说明并不是Bully的问题 +2
          • 那就请独立第三方调查回答咯,
            • 我作为独立第三方,仅看了你写的各种,也不认为这是harass +2
              • 幸亏您不是,哈哈。您知道我说的法律依据是哪个法律,第几条吗?
            • offensive language应该是你提告的harassment的理由,
              正如我说的同样一句话,不同的语气语调,以及不同认知人的理解就可截然不同。沟通有问题也就是Communication Skill问题是大统华认为最合理的解释,你得找理由推翻。至于reprisal,如果大统华有有利证据证明你违反了公司纪律,那也不是你说reprisal就是reprisal的
              • 不是,安省法律对于harass的定义,不包括offensive这个要件,要件是知道或合理的(reasonablely)应当知道是unwelcome的。我从未违反大统华说我违反的纪律。ta单方面说了不算