Ben Shapiro talks extremely fast but doesn’t mean he is right. On the contrary, it’s a sign of lacking confidence about the content.
Ibram X. Kendi is one of the great grifters of our time, making millions of dollars off of claiming that America is a racist country. Demonizing white people...
肉联同样。他的演讲风格的确能忽悠一大堆年轻学生,但以他的哈佛法学院闪亮背景,Ben Shapiro admits that he received virtually zero offers from top firms。而且也只短短的做了十个月的first year associate,在被fire之前自己先辞职了。
被认为是alt-right sage. A pop idol of the alt right. In fact, Ben Shapiro has been strongly critical of the alt-right movement and Trump. Anti-LGBTQ不需要太多智商, 我也反对🤣