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The total number of international students in all education levels in Canada is 807,750 (study permit holders), including higher education.

Canada is the world's third-leading destination for international students to get a higher education degree. With 807,750 study permit holders in higher education by 2022, the Canadian education system has proven to be of the highest quality. The benefits of studying in Canada as an international student include the affordability of tuition fees and living costs, along with the popularity of Canadian universities worldwide.

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 加拿大政府让81万名留学生涌入,保守估计至少75%留学生会留下来,和我们的二代竞争,抢饭碗 +1
    • How good is your English? Write to your MP. Write to Trudeau (even it may not sound helpful). +1
    • 挺好的,多吸收人才才能发展的更好
    • 一年81万名吗?
    • 加拿大不吸收年轻的移民,回头谁给你付养老金呢? +9
    • 有知识的人竞争不是坏事,人才越多机会越多。
    • 多吸收年轻人是好事,问题出在应该多元化,不能移民都来自一个地方,一个文化 +1
    • 买地收租呀
    • 年轻的留学生移民挺好的啊,社会需要年轻的劳动力。只要不是太多印巴留学生就好。 +1
    • LZ能否分享一下 81W这个数字是哪里来的.
    • 最近招了个国内985这边读硕士的,考了CFA,FRM,CPA的留学生,很好很满意啊。
    • 据说和新移民一样,50%留在了安省。 +1
    • 黑人印巴人穆斯林拉美人亚洲人都看不上,还要多元化,那就剩下白人了呗。
    • 欢迎优秀的学生来加拿大。认识二个去年入学的研究生,本科中国读的,挺优秀,入学8个月找到coop实习去了 +1