You dont have to attend an Ivy League university to have an Ivy League income
结论就是平均的学生读啥大学都差不多,顶尖的就应该读Ivy school,说白了ivy+MIT+Stanford就是把顶尖的再刷一边,淘出最好的,人以类聚,物以群分
1. Both studies suggest that it's the quality of the student — more than their school — that is more predictive of their future earnings.
2. the researchers found that it boosted any one student's chances of reaching the top 1% in income at age 33 by 59%. So while attending an Ivy didn't meaningfully boost students' odds of making more money on average, it did boost their odds of getting super-duper rich.
3.Attending an Ivy also roughly tripled students' chances of working for a "prestigious" or "elite" employer by the age of 25 and doubled their odds of attending a highly-ranked graduate school by age 28.