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好吧,看看CHATGPT 怎么回答这类问题

When asked about your weaknesses in a job interview, it's important to approach the question tactfully and demonstrate self-awareness and growth mindset. Here's a suggested way to answer:

  1. Be honest but strategic: Acknowledge a genuine weakness while ensuring it is not a critical skill for the job you're applying for. Choose a weakness that is not essential to the position but can still be improved upon.

  2. Show self-awareness: Briefly describe the weakness and provide specific examples of how it has affected you in the past. This demonstrates your ability to reflect on your own performance.

  3. Highlight proactive steps: Discuss the actions you have taken or are taking to overcome this weakness. Explain any strategies, training, or resources you've utilized to improve yourself in that area.

  4. Emphasize growth and learning: Mention that you view weaknesses as opportunities for personal and professional development. Talk about how you have learned from past experiences and how you are committed to continuous improvement.

  5. Connect it to the job: Discuss how the skills and strengths you possess outweigh this particular weakness and how you can contribute effectively to the role despite it.

Example response:

"One area I've identified for improvement is public speaking. In the past, I used to feel quite nervous when presenting in front of large audiences, which affected my confidence and delivery. However, I recognized this as a valuable skill to develop, so I enrolled in a public speaking course last year. Through practice and exposure, I have made significant progress. Although I still have room to grow, I now actively seek opportunities to present and share my ideas, and I've received positive feedback on my recent presentations. I believe my strong analytical and problem-solving skills, combined with my dedication to personal growth, will enable me to effectively contribute to the team and achieve success in this role."

Remember, the key is to strike a balance between being honest and showing your commitment to personal and professional growth.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 面试时问: what is your weakness? 回答:everybody has a weakness, my weakness is Not to tell my weakness. 当然这样回答要得罪HR了所有现实中没有这样回答, 都是扯个善意的謊。 问这个问题就是一个愚蠢的问题,谁也不会告诉其真实的弱点。 +2
    • 回答得更蠢 +2
      • 你没懂人家说什么 +2
        • 啥也不知 +2
    • 这个我有发言权, +3
      当初技术面试之后,被问到这个傻问题,我告诉他们再问我个技术问题,啥编程语言最棒. 然后人家愣住了,我说除了C++,其他都是for pussy and sissie. 他们都傻了,然后我说,我最大的缺点就是Being selectively offensive. I say words others wish to say but end up saying the opposite. And I know what I'm doing. I will take all the blame, and let others decide how to split the credit. 结局吗,你们都猜到,没录取,但又跟我说,Offer我销售岗,希望我能考虑
    • 弱点很多,随便说一个就行。不了解自己称自己 10 全 11 美不靠谱。
    • 老生常谈的问题。这个问题不是要你承认无法改变的弱点,而是看你是不是了解自己的弱点,同时有没有能力改善。Weakness指的是存在可以提高的空间,并非人性不可克服的弱点。这个问题的本意是人通常更容易发现他人的缺点而很难面对自己的缺点 +2
      • 对,很多人喜欢选这个题考察新人,使用率很高。
        • 当然老练一点的面试官不要生硬地抛出这类问题,而是因该通过闲聊一样的方式来真正了解面试人,否则得到的也就是一些冠冕堂皇的答案。
      • 师爷的weakness就是喜欢debugging拒绝code review +2
        • 加班不看表,拒填泰母戏,长期如此,无心改变呀,老板
    • 具体内容没啥大关系,好笑点夸张点都可以
    • 我最大 weakness 是缺钱... +2
    • 其实,回答这类问题是有标准套路的。第一步,说出自己的一个弱点(一个不大不小,几乎每个人都有的弱点)。第二部,这一步是最重要的。要说你是怎样在工作中克服你的这个弱点。举个最简单的例子。 +2
      我过了40岁后,记忆力不如以前好了。为了解决这个问题,我养成了做笔记的习惯。把要记的东西,写下来。对于重要的过程,建立一组 CHECKPOINTS,以便帮助自己更有效率的工作。
      • 😂好处是政治正确 坏处就是过于政治正确
        • 好吧,看看CHATGPT 怎么回答这类问题 +2

          When asked about your weaknesses in a job interview, it's important to approach the question tactfully and demonstrate self-awareness and growth mindset. Here's a suggested way to answer:

          1. Be honest but strategic: Acknowledge a genuine weakness while ensuring it is not a critical skill for the job you're applying for. Choose a weakness that is not essential to the position but can still be improved upon.

          2. Show self-awareness: Briefly describe the weakness and provide specific examples of how it has affected you in the past. This demonstrates your ability to reflect on your own performance.

          3. Highlight proactive steps: Discuss the actions you have taken or are taking to overcome this weakness. Explain any strategies, training, or resources you've utilized to improve yourself in that area.

          4. Emphasize growth and learning: Mention that you view weaknesses as opportunities for personal and professional development. Talk about how you have learned from past experiences and how you are committed to continuous improvement.

          5. Connect it to the job: Discuss how the skills and strengths you possess outweigh this particular weakness and how you can contribute effectively to the role despite it.

          Example response:

          "One area I've identified for improvement is public speaking. In the past, I used to feel quite nervous when presenting in front of large audiences, which affected my confidence and delivery. However, I recognized this as a valuable skill to develop, so I enrolled in a public speaking course last year. Through practice and exposure, I have made significant progress. Although I still have room to grow, I now actively seek opportunities to present and share my ideas, and I've received positive feedback on my recent presentations. I believe my strong analytical and problem-solving skills, combined with my dedication to personal growth, will enable me to effectively contribute to the team and achieve success in this role."

          Remember, the key is to strike a balance between being honest and showing your commitment to personal and professional growth.

          • ChatGPT本身就是政治正确的化身 不得罪人 你能问出啥?😂人家将你一军,就是希望你不按常理出牌,千篇一律的套话跟听习近平作报告有啥区别? +2
            • 你以为面试中问你这个问题,是要你向神父承认并忏悔你的弱点?另外,“ChatGPT本身就是政治正确的化身 ”, 您是搞电脑的吗? +2
              • 当然不是 就是看你应变能力和表达能力 我啥都搞 搞脑子搞电脑搞人搞事 +2
    • 这个这么容易的问题!切。比如你应聘的是个程序员,你就说你管理人不行;比如你应聘的是个小经理,你就说自己没有做CEO的格局。反正就说你还缺乏你这个职位往上一级或几级的某种能力 +3
    • 这个问题就是考验你会不会说谎,考验你是不是有政客的素质 +1