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Mark Zuckerberg stated that early analysis suggests engineers who started working in-person before switching to remote or remained in-person performed better than those who started remotely

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 自从ChatGPT发布来,科技大厂老板有恃无恐,他们必定认定机器能大部分替代所谓的Talent。最新小扎要完全取消在家办公。还把饭菜,洗衣,出租车福利都砍了。 +1
    Mark Zuckerberg stated that early analysis suggests engineers who started working in-person before switching to remote or remained in-person performed better than those who started remotely
    • 这也没啥,洗衣服福利除了大厂谁有?那些员工是太养尊处优了、看看老马多狠。
    • 😂早该如此 早收骨头就不会裁员了
    • 这难道不是应该的吗?
    • 主要是这钱白花了,没啥回报。到现在还是靠起家的社交媒体赚钱。股票只能靠裁员和回购来涨了。
    • 没说要完全取消在家办公,也没说取消饭菜。只是说在家办公没有公司上班效率高,那也是好事,否则好多人担心工作都移到印度去了。
    • Bullish.
    • 狗不如软呀,昨天涨了点,今天又潦挑子了,软仍大涨
      • 当今唯一最红的open ai,被微软收割了