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遇事不决 - GPT

Being a good project manager requires a combination of technical, interpersonal, and organizational skills. Here are some tips that can help you become a good project manager:

  1. Define the scope and objectives of the project: Clearly define the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the project, and make sure all stakeholders are on the same page.

  2. Develop a detailed project plan: Develop a detailed project plan that outlines all the tasks, timelines, and milestones of the project. This plan should be realistic and achievable.

  3. Communicate effectively: Effective communication is essential to the success of any project. Ensure that you communicate regularly with your team and stakeholders, and keep them informed about the progress of the project.

  4. Manage risks: Identify and manage risks that may impact the project. Develop contingency plans to deal with any potential problems.

  5. Manage the team: As a project manager, you will be responsible for managing a team of people. Ensure that the team is motivated, and that each team member understands their role and responsibilities.

  6. Monitor progress: Regularly monitor the progress of the project against the project plan, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the project stays on track.

  7. Stay organized: As a project manager, you will be responsible for organizing a lot of information. Develop a system for organizing and tracking project documents, tasks, and deadlines.

  8. Learn from past projects: Take the time to evaluate past projects, and use this information to improve future projects.

By following these tips, you can become a good project manager and deliver successful projects.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 有没有做项目经理的(project manager), 可不可以交流一下。
    • 交流什么?
      • 交流一下project manage 工作经验
        • 我就是做这个。怎么交流
          • 列出 6 大要素。😂
            • 去问chatgpt可解。 +1
              • 抢台词么。 +1
          • 如何表现得像有经验的样子 +1
          • 想转行做project manager. 我看我们单位里的project manager 就是开开会,跟踪一下项目进度。想了解一下这个工作的实际操作和展开。
            • 下面 XML 引用 GPT 的内容基本就差不多了。专业有不同,但是大框框就是那些。PM 是 scope of work 和 resources(time, money, labor, intel, logistics) 之间的盲盒。
            • 你不适合做PM。PM非常需要沟通能力,你问个非常简单的问题,两天才说的开始有点靠谱,还是在中文论坛上。如果工作,得多耽误事儿。 +2
              • 需要学习。你有什么经验可以分享吗?比如有个项目给你,怎么开始管理。控制项目进度需要注意一些什么控制因素,用什么项目管理工具(软件)。 向上汇报项目进度应该从什么方向上汇报。
                • 可以考虑去学校修一些项目管理的课。如果不想花钱,网上也有很多资源。你问的问题是101,太基础。
                • 我不是项目经理,但是一直以来和不少项目经理打过交道。你说的这些都比较容易学,难的是很多需要软实力的,从情商,和人打交道的能力,到用词精准言简意赅。这些都不是我擅长的,你可以跟楼上的多学学。
                  • 必须是大忽悠哇。。。稳得住上级,震得住下级,还能按时不超预算出活。。。难度不是一般的大,得懂行,没有经验肯定不行
    • 祝贺升职? +1
    • 遇事不决 - GPT +1

      Being a good project manager requires a combination of technical, interpersonal, and organizational skills. Here are some tips that can help you become a good project manager:

      1. Define the scope and objectives of the project: Clearly define the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the project, and make sure all stakeholders are on the same page.

      2. Develop a detailed project plan: Develop a detailed project plan that outlines all the tasks, timelines, and milestones of the project. This plan should be realistic and achievable.

      3. Communicate effectively: Effective communication is essential to the success of any project. Ensure that you communicate regularly with your team and stakeholders, and keep them informed about the progress of the project.

      4. Manage risks: Identify and manage risks that may impact the project. Develop contingency plans to deal with any potential problems.

      5. Manage the team: As a project manager, you will be responsible for managing a team of people. Ensure that the team is motivated, and that each team member understands their role and responsibilities.

      6. Monitor progress: Regularly monitor the progress of the project against the project plan, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the project stays on track.

      7. Stay organized: As a project manager, you will be responsible for organizing a lot of information. Develop a system for organizing and tracking project documents, tasks, and deadlines.

      8. Learn from past projects: Take the time to evaluate past projects, and use this information to improve future projects.

      By following these tips, you can become a good project manager and deliver successful projects.

    • 自从疫情可以WFH以后我们那的PM就基本靠边站了,没有他们项目一样做 +1
      • 那是因为你那项目太小了 +1
        • 发展前景一般怎么样?我小孩男朋友是cs专业,大学同学与我小孩同级,刚刚毕业在纽约知名公司做PM
          • 挺好的,我干了3年,又有一项目,估计要干两年
            • 我努力给搅黄,觉得我小孩完全可以找到更好的,但我被我小孩封口了,不让讲
              • Why?
                • 我小孩说男朋友说pm前景有多好,被我打断了,“不要听他画饼”
                  • 是挺好的啊。可以快速走向management。项目做好也take most credit
                    • 看行业,有些行业的PM在经济不好时,是容易被先裁的
    • PM, 我们叫 sandwich, 上面领导压,下面 developer 顶,至于好不好吃,真是个人本事和运气了.
    • 准备转行吧,GPT一定会取代这个行业