structured speech is an essential skill that can be acquired, provided you know the presentation material well enough. Coherence in speech can only be achieved in a profession setting if you truly understand what you are presenting as it is a natural reflection of your analytic thinking process.
There are different purposes of presentation/speech - to inform, to persuade, to educate, to instruct, to brief, just name a few. - all requires a structure when you speak. Such structure, depending on the audience, may cover business areas, engineering practices, technical topics that back up your speech. You also include motivation, frustration, challenges, purpose of work etc. to make your presentation more personal and compelling.
Structured speech must be preceded by structured thinking, the latter can be trained by making regular reflections, e.g., what have I done in last quarter, last month, last week? What're the highlights and accomplishment? What're the challenges? What's the purpose of work? You can practice the same literally at any level, for instance, what're the benefits of adopting Microservice architecture pattern? When this pattern should NOT be used? How this pattern can help my team? The more you practice, the more structure you build into thinking process, the more cohesive speech will become.