就不能随便乱讲,会误导人。说说自己受骗的经历到是可以,让大家也警惕一些。多伦多是北美第2大金融之都,大家忽略这个家门口的就业市场损失是自己的。 What is Toronto's biggest industry? The city's three largest industries are financial services, real estate, and wholesale and retail trade. Over its history, Toronto's economy has gone through the stages of commercial lake port, railway and industrial hub, financial nexus, and high-level service and information centre. 就算您遇到过不良保险销售(估计应该是华人),但保险行业销售只是一个工种,销售是少数,需要后台大量的技术人员, technical staff比如精算,核保,写保单的,客服,理赔,财务,IT,管理层,这些都是骗子吗? 还有再保险,也是骗子吗? 讲话要负责任,不能误导别人。