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There was little attention given to the importance of increasing our collective prosperity — let alone developing a disciplined way of thinking and acting on the problem,”

There is no real sense of urgency in Ottawa about our lack of competitiveness … It’s not that this is one of the big problems facing Canada’s economy, it’s that this is our fundamental problem. Nothing else is solvable if we don’t put this issue first

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Pierre Poilievre...与Justin共进早餐 +22
    • 👍 +4
    • 👍👍 +3
    • This is really a good one! He's able to explain the complicated economics using simple languages. Not only me, even Justin should be able to understand! 😁 +13
      • 推文呀,过去只有老川用得麻溜
    • 与认为预算会自我平衡的Trudeau谈钱、谈物价上涨幅度,对牛弹琴了…… 自由党执政纲领已放弃平衡预算,趁着还算便宜赶紧吃吧 +10
    • Brilliant guy and he has a great team. Really enjoy these videos, short, funny, straightforward with a lot information. I will be a proud Canadian again when he becomes PM. +19
      • Agree +5
        • 看到事情的本质。现政府把通货膨胀归咎于俄乌战争和物流问题是掩盖问题的本质。 +10
    • 支持这位懂经济的候选人 +9
      • 请介绍其与经济相关的履历
        • A PM doesn't need to be an economist. But he should have a common sense and understand that budgets don't balance themselves. +13
          • 懂经济的与知道油盐酱醋常识的要相差十万八千里
            • 怎么不说现在坐在台上的的TRUST FUND BABY连油盐酱醋常识都不懂呢? +11
              • 都有智囊团出谋划策,手能拍板就行了,这个应该属于小学常识,可偏偏肉脸有许多幼儿园的在论道
                • 看来土豆连智囊团出谋划策的人都没有,连以前他任命的财政部长BILL MORNEAU都抨击他的ECONOMIC PLAN, 无怪乎能说出THE BUDGET WILL BALANCE ITSELF这等贻笑大方的谬论。可悲的是剩下一堆MINIONS还替他百般遮掩,歌功颂德。 +4
                  • 看来是没有用的,事实是每一项政策/决策都不是一个人做出来的
                    • 听一听跟了他五年的财政部长的话吧,就会对这届政府和PMO有个客观的评价了 +2

                      There was little attention given to the importance of increasing our collective prosperity — let alone developing a disciplined way of thinking and acting on the problem,”

                      There is no real sense of urgency in Ottawa about our lack of competitiveness … It’s not that this is one of the big problems facing Canada’s economy, it’s that this is our fundamental problem. Nothing else is solvable if we don’t put this issue first

                      • 还是个人不能左右的表露吧?
                        • BILL MORNEAU只因为不想和土豆做一丘之貉而惨遭出局,也只有自由地,一个没有任何金融财政背景的人听命于他,当了FINANCE MINISTER和他坑壑一气。 +1
                          • 接任者难找吗?
    • He got the point! Make lots of sense! ❤👍 +6
    • 他不仅爱演,还演得太假。明显的用力过猛,不如土豆自然。
      • 那是当然,怎么说土豆也是一个DRAMA TEACHER过来的,业余的怎么能跟专业的比呢。 +2
        • 一个富二代演员比一个发迹的蹩脚演员放心一点
          • 是啊,真的应该让PP好好学学土豆自然的撸秀发,穿花袜子,更要让他学学练练二头肌,光着上身,带着一堆RCMP保镖晨练。更要让他多琢磨演技啊。像土豆看齐。 +2
            • 象土豆这么敬业的演员俺看着就喜欢,多可爱,多阳光。反正加拿大也没什么大事。不就是经济奔溃么,全世界都在崩,又不只是加拿大,加拿大怎么也轮不上最惨的那个。
              • 敢情土豆这么敬业在演啊。原来有这些观众。 +1
              • 土豆表演完了物价蹭蹭地上去了,你也看着就喜欢?阳光有啥用。 +6
                • 物价是美联储放水造成的,加拿大也是受池鱼之殃。
                  • 你的逻辑是,2008-2009年美国次贷危机,引爆多国金融危机,那加拿大理因步其后尘。但事实是我们并没有。为什么???关键是那时土豆富二代大家还不知道他是谁,可能还在做他的兼职DRAMA TEACHER呢。 +6
              • PP这小样,哪能演出畜痘"Big Brother is watching you" 的气势 +1
    • 有理有据👍👍👍 +2
      • 成也萧何,败也曹操
        • 我冷丁一看以为自己发的内容咋没了,只剩个名戳在那儿😀