背景: 公元二零二二年 三月八号。 俄乌战争依旧处于拉锯状态,世界石油短缺汽油大涨,人类经济文明进入危险状态。
从 Grotto Creek 出来已经是下午三点多,看天色尚早,往Chester lake 方向走,临行前记得三孩子妈提醒那里路不好,开过去才知道真是不好,砂石路面 只铲一遍雪,两边都是高高雪墙,路面还是松松白雪。有时候只开都觉得车子努力摆正方向,轮胎下面嘎嘎作响。
车子开到停车场已经五点多, 周围只有一个在整理垃圾的公园管理员,看了我一眼跟我说, hey , you are too late, I don't think you can make it before the darkness. 我笑着说, that is OK, I have to do it, after driving almost two hours. "Well, your own risk, a few years ago a lady we still can not find her body after she was lost in the same evening" 他 抬头看看天, “it will snow soon”.
没想到上山的路很难走 ,手机显示 40% 坡度,开始天气尚好,渐渐下起小雪,路上一个人都没有