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because they believe a Jap car is much more reliable than an American one, and because there are so many Chinese, no matter they know cars or not, can drive or not, believe blindly that Jap cars are far better than American cars.
I have a friend who recently bought a Camry. I asked her why she made this decision. She said two friends recommended camry to her. And both of her friend don't know how to drive!! That happens typically in a Chinese group. I also asked her if she had test-driven other cars like Passat, Jetta, and Taurus. She said she had never heard of the first two, and since the third one was American car, she thought it was junk.
我不知道那位朋友挑过美国车没有,我的第一辆车就是corolla, 开的时候觉得挺不错,因为是旧车,没有在其他方面有什么要求,只要不出毛病就可以,它做到了,基本在维修上没有花钱,但是在highway我必须很小心的开它,因为它太轻了,风大的时候,一个大的truck从旁边经过都能带来横向位移。当我的日本车撞毁后,我就换了个美国大车,说实话,美国是一个懂的享受的国家,中档车都做的这么舒服,坐在里面就象是坐船,而日本车就象是坐驴子,路好时还可以,不好时就。。。, 美国车我在晚上常常开到140,不是我故意要这么快,因为在150和110没有区别,晚上光去注意路面了,就没有注意速度表,而日本车110和140就有很明显的区别,开到120车就不稳了,你就知道超速了。
我要是有$20000,我就去买97年的toyota的4runner,或者98年的ford的explorer.那才是驾驶的乐趣!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
because they believe a Jap car is much more reliable than an American one, and because there are so many Chinese, no matter they know cars or not, can drive or not, believe blindly that Jap cars are far better than American cars.
I have a friend who recently bought a Camry. I asked her why she made this decision. She said two friends recommended camry to her. And both of her friend don't know how to drive!! That happens typically in a Chinese group. I also asked her if she had test-driven other cars like Passat, Jetta, and Taurus. She said she had never heard of the first two, and since the third one was American car, she thought it was junk.
我不知道那位朋友挑过美国车没有,我的第一辆车就是corolla, 开的时候觉得挺不错,因为是旧车,没有在其他方面有什么要求,只要不出毛病就可以,它做到了,基本在维修上没有花钱,但是在highway我必须很小心的开它,因为它太轻了,风大的时候,一个大的truck从旁边经过都能带来横向位移。当我的日本车撞毁后,我就换了个美国大车,说实话,美国是一个懂的享受的国家,中档车都做的这么舒服,坐在里面就象是坐船,而日本车就象是坐驴子,路好时还可以,不好时就。。。, 美国车我在晚上常常开到140,不是我故意要这么快,因为在150和110没有区别,晚上光去注意路面了,就没有注意速度表,而日本车110和140就有很明显的区别,开到120车就不稳了,你就知道超速了。
我要是有$20000,我就去买97年的toyota的4runner,或者98年的ford的explorer.那才是驾驶的乐趣!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net