"tried yahoo, bing, google, duckduckgo. all not logged in, all after clearing
history and cookies.
enter "hilary clinton e"
google is the only one does not show email as an item in the auto complete.
all other 3 places email at the top.
google is the only one showing clinton emoji in the auto complete and placed
it at the top about education, event, election, endorsement ... I m not
sure what kind of people would use hillary emoji, must be some scary ass
no other engines showed anything about clinton emoji. even if I hit enter
and go through a couple pages, there were no emoji."
参考资料:The Verge,《Sundar Pichai had to explain to Congress why Googling ‘idiot’ turns up pictures of Trump》差评,《特朗普真的是笨蛋吗?至少搜索引擎是这么想的。。。》“ Green Day 或成最大赢家 ”