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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 有谁知道收费便宜的兽医,主要是牙齿清洁,有给狗狗做dental service 每次收费低于800(不包拔牙) 的麻烦留个联系方式 。知道的都要上千一次。
    • 比人贵多了。 +2
      • 当然。。。。就做个洗牙都要给狗全麻。。。你说能便宜到多少?
        • 绑起来,固定住,不麻也可以。洗牙由不怎么痛的。狗不乱动就行。
          • 绑起来,固定住? 是把嘴掰开。然后把上下两半的嘴给固定吗?
    • Is it preventive cleaning?
      • even you brush dog's teeth quite often, they still need dental service for deep clean, otherwise, they will lost their teeth sooner.
        • If it is for preventive, you may not need a vet, I know some groomer can do it . I have never tried it. I just heard of it.
          • I don't think they can do deep clean without put the dog down. but if your dog is less than 10 years, you might don't need it.
          • A groomer can't scale dog's teeth for a fee in Ontario, it's illegal. No groomer is formally trained to perform proper deep scaling. +1
            • Not to scale, just to clean. That is why I ask what kind of cleaning is required.
              • Scaling or brushing, no other ways, Op is already doing brushing, a groomer won't be doing any better than that. For $800 dog will be put under for the scaling.
                there are you tube videos show you how to scale teeth at home, give it a try before you take the dog to the vet.
                • My dog is fine. I don't need to worry about his teeth now. If I were to do the cleaning, I would compare the difference between what a groomer can do and what a vet can do and then decide depending on my dog's need.
                  • 洗剪吹自己做有难度,刷牙 scaling要么自己来,要么找靠谱的兽医,不麻醉的话你肯定做的比groomer好。你洗牙会找发型师吗?
                    • My dentist does my brace not the Orthodontics. I cut my daughter's hair sometime. It depends on what needs to be done.
                    • And I said already- it is to clean not to scale. and I use IF. It depends on what kind of cleaning service the dog is required.
                      • It's your choice to pay someone to brush your dog's teeth, I don't think that's what OP wants though,he clearly wants scaling; would you pay your hair dresser to brush your teeth?
                        • I don't know what he wants so I asked first. And give me opinion based on IF.
                        • People pay the groomer to clean dogs' ears? Do you pay your hair dresser to clean your ears?
                          • of course hairdresser and Barber cleanmy ears, obvious you know little about men's grooming and animal care.
                        • Have I ever said anything about scaling or asked anyone to do the scaling for the dog at the groomer's place? I know some groomers can do tooth cleaning but I don't know what is included in the cleaning service so I asked LZ to ASK and to COMPARE.
        • 你在哪里听到这种说法的?有的狗终生不洗牙都没问题。 +3
          • 人不如狗 +2
            • 人吃甜的太多,根据与化石研究,不吃谷物的古人到40岁不洗牙也没问题。
          • 能有啥问题,过去人不洗牙不刷牙不也过了几千年。
            • 牙好不好和遗传还有食物有关,吃狗粮牙齿不好,吃row food好很多。
    • 很多地方低于800的。
      • 能留个兽医电话吗。别只看前半个小时的,有的是extra10 分钟多少钱这么加,随便就上千。 +2
        • 便宜的是有,可你敢用吗?以前做过X-ray没有?以前做过的这次不做能便宜点,没做过的还是做的好。
    • 不养宠物狗可解。 +1
    • 太便宜的信不过,要省钱的话自己做试试看。

    • 每天刷一次,刷个一两年就好很多了。
    • 现在回头想,其实没什么意思,过12、13以后,麻醉有危险,就不推荐这么洗了,然后过几年牙还是不行了,到最后还是要拔掉....
      • 一看就是明白的,我的狗从2 月s养到12岁了。不光是洗牙和洁牙,可能还要拔掉坏牙。上次洗还没有问题,从去年她不配合刷牙就知道已经有牙怀了,现在味道不好。也能看出她不舒服。邻居的12岁狗狗上个月差点麻醉了没醒来,血压心跳都不稳了。好在坚持过来了。
        • 我家的从6个月养到现在18岁, 13岁以后没有洗牙,医生没有说绝对不能洗,可是说了各种风险,想来想去觉得不能承担这个风险,15岁时候牙就开始不行了,因为一直是喂湿粮的,到17岁时候大牙裂了,不得不都拔了
          • 年纪关系,拔牙算个大手术,全程需要监控各个生物指标,咨询了很多医院,大部分直接拒绝手术,认为上手术台不会再醒过来了....好在结果是好的