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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛申请进程:99年7月FN,10月第二封信通知等面试,2001年2月面式通知。4月9日面试。
一进门,劳工关门,我强作镇静说“Good afternoon, Madame”.老公也重复这一句。
O:“Good afternoon. Sorry to keep you for long waiting.?”
Sit down and make yourself feel comfortable, or you can stand if you prefer to”
A: “OK, Thank you.”
O: “Did you enjoy your journey ?”一边问,一边在敲电脑。
A: “It took us only 2 hours to come here from Guangzhou to Hongkong”
O : “oh, not bad.”
接着她开始了正式的自我介绍。(著名的开场白。)我们微笑点头,“Yes,I see.”
O: “First I want to check some documents. Did you bring your educational diploma?”
A: “Yes, I have the original.”从文件夹中拿出两人的学位证书、毕业文凭。她一看是中文原件,面露难色,“Do you havc a English translation, I only need yours.” 我赶紧将做了学历、文凭的公证件递给她。并主动问”DO YOU need the transcript?” 她微笑“Good, that’s my next question.” 我得成绩单是从单位档案里提出做公证的,翻译的很详细,因此军训也在上面,她看成绩单时问“military training” 我一下没听清,PARDON了一次,说”That is universal at that time”. 她表示理解:“Everyone took it in your class, I only catre about it (自我调侃地笑)”
然后看到我学的一两门计算机课程,说“you study computer? The same as what I studied, I don’t like it,it is boring.” 我不好意思附和说也不喜欢,就傻笑。并说“Most of the courses focus on economics, investment ,banking and finance ,accounting….”她接做说 :“and financial management” 没看完就还给了我。
O: “Mr.., you are a doctor?” 我没注意她是问老公的,两人一起“YES”。“What kind of doctor?”
我又先开口“Surgeon”. 官有点不高兴了,“Sorry, I am asking him” 我连忙”SORRY”,闭上了嘴。“what kind of operation you often do?” 可怜老公的英语发音不准,“LIVER AND GALL”让官听不懂,只有一个字母一个字母拼给她。 她居然还开玩笑“if I have gall problem, I can
ask you for help.” 事后知道老公并没听懂这句,但也在那傻笑。
接着就问“Do you have any children?” 我们:“no”. “You have no children?”我看他明白了我们的意思,一时高兴,犯了低级的英语语法错误:“yes。”她一下胡涂了,又指着我问“YOU have children?” 只好从头来过,原来她要确认我没孩子,老公没孩子,我和老公没生孩子。真复杂,我们年纪轻轻,哪有那么复杂的家庭关系? 夫妻一起面试的要注意这一点,一开始就给他最清楚地答案。
然后就问我的工作了:“Do you still work in the ……bank?”
A: “No. now I am a postgraduate student in ….university, studying to get a master degree of financial management.”
O:"Which university?” 我将学校封好的成绩单给他看,“Oh, it is not opened.” 似乎兴趣不大,没打开,就指着信封上的印刷的学校英文名问:“is this the name of the university?”并记下了校名。我说我有导师写的推荐信,拿给她看了一下。她问我何时毕业?我说应是明年六月毕业,但我可提前半年,于今年底毕业。
O: “Tell me what did you do when you worked in …..bank?”
A: “ I think my main duties when I worked there included three mains aspects. The first one is to meet with the customers and discuss with them about their financial status and investment objectives, then give them some financial and investment advice; The second one is to make some bank performance analysis, such as making financial statements and writing analytical reports to the manager and president of the bank for their internal management;…….”
O: “ What kind of advice you will give to the customers?”
A: “ You know, some of them have residue money and want to invest, some are lacking of money and want to get loans. To those who want to invest, I must know if they want to get stable income or are willing to assume high risk……..”
O: “ How can you give advice to manager? What kind of information you supply?”
A: “ I make financial statements. Most of the information is included in the financial statements, such as the change of the balance, the reason of the change and trend in the future ……”
O: "I am satisfied with what you said.”
O: "YOU want to settle down in Toronto? Why toronto?"
A:” Because Toronto is the financial center of Canada, I think there are more opportunities for me. And because my husband’s sister lives there…….”
O: "They can help you and you will g o to live with them.”
A: yes.
O: DO you have any documents of your relative?
O: “ I accept your application……………”
告诉我们要付LANDING FEE. 我说我在递交申请时已付,她说那是PROCESS FEE。 我只好再次强调我支付了BOTH 并拿收据给她看。她又去问了别的OFFICER,回来说OK.于是给我们体检表并交代细节。
最后,她对老公说“Wait a minute. Since you are a doctor, I have sth for you to sign.” 然后解释一番,她代表加拿大政府有义务告诉他,医生这一职业在加需要执照才能从业,尽管他有学位、学历证书也不能保证一定能有从业机会等等。我说“WE UNDERSTAND THAT.”拿出表格,表示好需签名的地方,给老公签名,我向她借笔,老公小声嘀咕“中文还是拼音?”我用英文问了,“either”. 劳工及认真的签了及难看的三个字。于是大功告成。
O: “Congratulations. Good luck. “
我们一起“thank you”了很多遍,满怀感激地离开了小房间。
这个OFFICER 确实特别地友善,不停地在与我们开玩笑,使我们渐渐放松。
补充:他还要了更新的无犯罪公证看了看。并问我有无考IELTS,我说没有(他们没要求),但考了TOEFL,给她看了成绩单。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 应gowest的要求,分享财务/投资分析的面试经历(纯流水帐,重点不明,请原谅)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛申请进程:99年7月FN,10月第二封信通知等面试,2001年2月面式通知。4月9日面试。
    一进门,劳工关门,我强作镇静说“Good afternoon, Madame”.老公也重复这一句。
    O:“Good afternoon. Sorry to keep you for long waiting.?”
    Sit down and make yourself feel comfortable, or you can stand if you prefer to”
    A: “OK, Thank you.”
    O: “Did you enjoy your journey ?”一边问,一边在敲电脑。
    A: “It took us only 2 hours to come here from Guangzhou to Hongkong”
    O : “oh, not bad.”
    接着她开始了正式的自我介绍。(著名的开场白。)我们微笑点头,“Yes,I see.”
    O: “First I want to check some documents. Did you bring your educational diploma?”
    A: “Yes, I have the original.”从文件夹中拿出两人的学位证书、毕业文凭。她一看是中文原件,面露难色,“Do you havc a English translation, I only need yours.” 我赶紧将做了学历、文凭的公证件递给她。并主动问”DO YOU need the transcript?” 她微笑“Good, that’s my next question.” 我得成绩单是从单位档案里提出做公证的,翻译的很详细,因此军训也在上面,她看成绩单时问“military training” 我一下没听清,PARDON了一次,说”That is universal at that time”. 她表示理解:“Everyone took it in your class, I only catre about it (自我调侃地笑)”
    然后看到我学的一两门计算机课程,说“you study computer? The same as what I studied, I don’t like it,it is boring.” 我不好意思附和说也不喜欢,就傻笑。并说“Most of the courses focus on economics, investment ,banking and finance ,accounting….”她接做说 :“and financial management” 没看完就还给了我。
    O: “Mr.., you are a doctor?” 我没注意她是问老公的,两人一起“YES”。“What kind of doctor?”
    我又先开口“Surgeon”. 官有点不高兴了,“Sorry, I am asking him” 我连忙”SORRY”,闭上了嘴。“what kind of operation you often do?” 可怜老公的英语发音不准,“LIVER AND GALL”让官听不懂,只有一个字母一个字母拼给她。 她居然还开玩笑“if I have gall problem, I can
    ask you for help.” 事后知道老公并没听懂这句,但也在那傻笑。
    接着就问“Do you have any children?” 我们:“no”. “You have no children?”我看他明白了我们的意思,一时高兴,犯了低级的英语语法错误:“yes。”她一下胡涂了,又指着我问“YOU have children?” 只好从头来过,原来她要确认我没孩子,老公没孩子,我和老公没生孩子。真复杂,我们年纪轻轻,哪有那么复杂的家庭关系? 夫妻一起面试的要注意这一点,一开始就给他最清楚地答案。
    然后就问我的工作了:“Do you still work in the ……bank?”
    A: “No. now I am a postgraduate student in ….university, studying to get a master degree of financial management.”
    O:"Which university?” 我将学校封好的成绩单给他看,“Oh, it is not opened.” 似乎兴趣不大,没打开,就指着信封上的印刷的学校英文名问:“is this the name of the university?”并记下了校名。我说我有导师写的推荐信,拿给她看了一下。她问我何时毕业?我说应是明年六月毕业,但我可提前半年,于今年底毕业。
    O: “Tell me what did you do when you worked in …..bank?”
    A: “ I think my main duties when I worked there included three mains aspects. The first one is to meet with the customers and discuss with them about their financial status and investment objectives, then give them some financial and investment advice; The second one is to make some bank performance analysis, such as making financial statements and writing analytical reports to the manager and president of the bank for their internal management;…….”
    O: “ What kind of advice you will give to the customers?”
    A: “ You know, some of them have residue money and want to invest, some are lacking of money and want to get loans. To those who want to invest, I must know if they want to get stable income or are willing to assume high risk……..”
    O: “ How can you give advice to manager? What kind of information you supply?”
    A: “ I make financial statements. Most of the information is included in the financial statements, such as the change of the balance, the reason of the change and trend in the future ……”
    O: "I am satisfied with what you said.”
    O: "YOU want to settle down in Toronto? Why toronto?"
    A:” Because Toronto is the financial center of Canada, I think there are more opportunities for me. And because my husband’s sister lives there…….”
    O: "They can help you and you will g o to live with them.”
    A: yes.
    O: DO you have any documents of your relative?
    O: “ I accept your application……………”
    告诉我们要付LANDING FEE. 我说我在递交申请时已付,她说那是PROCESS FEE。 我只好再次强调我支付了BOTH 并拿收据给她看。她又去问了别的OFFICER,回来说OK.于是给我们体检表并交代细节。
    最后,她对老公说“Wait a minute. Since you are a doctor, I have sth for you to sign.” 然后解释一番,她代表加拿大政府有义务告诉他,医生这一职业在加需要执照才能从业,尽管他有学位、学历证书也不能保证一定能有从业机会等等。我说“WE UNDERSTAND THAT.”拿出表格,表示好需签名的地方,给老公签名,我向她借笔,老公小声嘀咕“中文还是拼音?”我用英文问了,“either”. 劳工及认真的签了及难看的三个字。于是大功告成。
    O: “Congratulations. Good luck. “
    我们一起“thank you”了很多遍,满怀感激地离开了小房间。
    这个OFFICER 确实特别地友善,不停地在与我们开玩笑,使我们渐渐放松。
    补充:他还要了更新的无犯罪公证看了看。并问我有无考IELTS,我说没有(他们没要求),但考了TOEFL,给她看了成绩单。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谢谢无非的面试经验,有一事请教,我也在银行工作,但提交的客户评价报告似乎不符合NOC表上财务分析的职责,容易被人误解为信用经理.请问你提交的是拿种类型的分析报告.我的邮箱是xiaohaha@163.net.再次感谢. 能否告之邮箱地址?
      • 我没交什么分析报告啊,checklist里有这个东东吗?就在reference letter里写出自己的工作duties,让移民官自己判断那。邮箱yj888@263.net
        • 谢谢无非.你现是在上海吗?还是广州?
          • 我在广州。
            • 无非,我也在广州,不知通电话是否会更方便些? {from:}
              • Ok,please send email to me and i will tell u my phone number by email.
    • 谢谢你的面试经验。我也是银行的,AS CREDIT MANAGER。我的代理没有这方面的经验,他写我的简历时乱写了好几个项目。(据我所知有人没有这样写也行)。我一直都担心面试官会不会问起那些项目的内容?我该如何准备面试?先谢谢你的指导。
      • 以推荐信与NOC的职业描述为中心,一定要让官信你就是干那的。既然写了那些项目,当然要准备它们。很可能问到。
        • thank u for your advice.i have to make more effort to do it.