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I could not understand you quite well. Would you please tell us about more details, like the original wording in PEO's letter?.

As I remembered, PEO only stressed that your experiences should reflect what kind of design principals you used under the disipline you declared in your application form. Maybe what they mean is that the design/engineering theory you used should be within the field of your disipline.

Another question is, depite the 3 big courses you are worrying about, is that the "zhenDong" aspect not belonging to your discipline? If it is a part of your study in university, even though it is only a very small part, if only you really have experience on it and can tell the theory/principal you used confidently, you have no reason to be afraid. Just be calm and re-read the letter carefully ensure you understand it thouroughly.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 小飞大侠,country boy, 金字塔,peo的问题请谈谈
    刚刚接到要求递交experience record 的信,要求侧重点必须联系那几门需要考试的科目-热力学,热传导,流体力学等。看得好灰心啊,因为工作搞的是振动方面的,这几门课上学时都没怎么学过。感觉是他们专挑了你的薄弱环节,来难为你的。能不能说说你门当时的感觉,这样的话面试还有希望吗?
    • My god, I am not qualified for anwsering your question yet, I am waiting for the news too. I finished to read it and just up for you.
      • 帮你UP一下。顺便讲讲我的情况。APEGS要我考两门,专业基础和专业课。现在想好象还比面试简单,就是要多花些钱。另外,如果在安省,有加拿大硕士学位加中国数年工作经验并且有加拿大雇主,一般多长时间可以拿到PE啊?
        • It takes approximately 4 months after writing Law and Ethics exams.
          • 哪什么时候开始有资格考Law and Ethics呢?多谢!
            • After PEO reviews your academic background and working experience. The assessment takes about two months. You can start application now.
              • 对不起,可能有点误解.我就是想问,如果具有以上背景,大概从PEO审批了个人的材料之后,如果面试通过,还需要多久就可以拿到PE(当然包括最后的考试).
                • In my case with bacholor degree, I took the interview in December 2001, passed it in January 2002, wrote Ethics and law in late April, got license in August.
                  If you have a local Master Degree, I don't think you need any interview. You can write Ethics and law right after the assesement of your academic and experience background. Normally in Ontario, the PPE tests are in April, August and December. It took 2 about months (45 working days) to get your results and another month or so to receive the letter of the PE entitlement. You have to wait for another month or so to receive your seal and licence. If you select to participate in a ceremony, that would take longer, say another 1 or 2 months.
      • anyway, thank you
    • 对不起,才看见你的贴子. 觉得有点奇怪, 因为我所接到的要求递交experience record 的信, 没有提到任何跟具体专业有关的问题, 只是笼统的说了一些要求, 比如......
      我个人感觉, 你做了什么就写什么,不用硬往那几门课上靠.因为面试主要围绕的是你都做了什么事,怎么解决工程问题, 而不是以你的理论课为中心的.
      但是, 我不知道你是什么专业, 如果这些热力学,热传导,流体力学属于你们专业的最最基本的理论课的话,建议你还是花点时间温习一下.如果不是, 那么你在工作当中,总有用到一些最基本的理论吧, 把这方面的理论课重新复习一遍就是了.
      • 关于我接到的具体要求见下面回复小飞侠的贴子。

    • I could not understand you quite well. Would you please tell us about more details, like the original wording in PEO's letter?.
      As I remembered, PEO only stressed that your experiences should reflect what kind of design principals you used under the disipline you declared in your application form. Maybe what they mean is that the design/engineering theory you used should be within the field of your disipline.

      Another question is, depite the 3 big courses you are worrying about, is that the "zhenDong" aspect not belonging to your discipline? If it is a part of your study in university, even though it is only a very small part, if only you really have experience on it and can tell the theory/principal you used confidently, you have no reason to be afraid. Just be calm and re-read the letter carefully ensure you understand it thouroughly.
      • Here is the original requirement
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛................................
        Also, because you have been assigned a Directed Confirmatory program, you must also match your experience against 98-Mec-A1, Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transefer, and 98-Mec-A2, Fluid Mechanics and Applications. The document should list each assigned exam, followed by a description of any experience that relates to the topics listed in the exam syllabus for that exam. Descride in detail how you applied engineering principles relevant to each exam as described in the syllabus. please refer to specific examples stating when and where you gained this specific experience, rather than general activities. If you do not have any experience in an assigned exam, it would be helpful if you simply state that you have no experience relevant to the exam.
        自己的领域面试当然没问题,但如果面试时他们也针对这几个方面怎么办?这不是难为人吗。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net