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I have a family coming to visit Boston area in mid April 2023, they will be in town for 3-4 days, planning to visit some universities in Greater Boston area, and looking for a short term tour guide. for payment requirement, please message me to discuss.
Requirement: a good driver, and able to drive in USA legally, speak english and chinese, familar about the universities in Greater Boston area especially the ivey leagures universities
-cedarpine(Cedar ); 2023-3-19 {451} (#15281265@0)我老公办的美国亲属移民过两年就批下来了,我很纠结到底该不该过去,我们的情况如下:
移民多伦多已经20年了,我老公50岁从事IT工作,我45岁自从疫情后就没上班了,我有两个儿子,一个16岁,明年就读大学,小的14岁了。 多伦多和三藩市相比,当然是环境,经济各方面比这里强。 我们的年纪也不小,再移民去美国觉得又要从头开始,有太多不确定性,但对孩子的发展来说,他们过去应该比呆在这里要好。请大家给点意见,到底该不该移民过去?
-111111(快乐老家); 2023-2-11 {313} (#15182359@0) +1干净
-shiyu(鲥鱼); 2023-2-11 {68} (#15182466@0) +2